Oil-Free Cooking and Heart Health: 5 Benefits You Need to Know

Oil-Free Cooking and Heart Health: 5 Benefits You Need to Know

Eating heart-healthy is key for maintaining a healthy heart and overall well-being. With so much conflicting information out there, it can be hard to know which dietary habits are best for heart health. One of the best things you can do to give your heart a boost is to switch to an oil-free cooking lifestyle.

Oil-free cooking has many heart health benefits, from reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke to reducing the chance of obesity.

5 Benefits of Oil-Free Cooking

Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke:

Studies have shown that consuming a diet low in fat, cholesterol, and saturated fat can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Eating oil-free is an excellent way to lower the amount of unhealthy fats in your diet without sacrificing flavor or nutrition.

Improved Blood Circulation:

Oil-free cooking helps improve heart health by promoting better blood circulation. Since oil is a dense fat, it slows down the circulation of blood in the heart and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. By removing oil from your cooking, you can help your heart pump blood.

Reduced Cholesterol Levels:

Eating heart-healthy means reducing your cholesterol levels and switching to oil-free cooking is an effective way to do so. Eating oil-free meals helps reduce the number of calories and fat you intake, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

Aids in weight loss:

Oil is the most calorically-dense food that we have available to us. Oil is 100% pure fat and 120 calories and 14g of fat per tablespoon, which is about 2,000 calories per cup. While two-thirds of the U.S. and one-third of the world are either overweight or obese, and most of us are trying to reduce calories, avoiding or minimizing oil is the easiest way to cut out hundreds or thousands of calories from your diet.

Reduced Inflammation:

Inflammation is linked to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, so reducing inflammation levels is an important part of heart health. Eating oil-free meals can help reduce inflammation in the body by reducing the levels of saturated fats and trans fats present in food.

Cooking without oil may sound difficult, but it can be surprisingly easy. There are many ways to cook delicious meals with zero added fat or cholesterol, from steaming vegetables to baking proteins in the oven. With a few simple swaps and some tasty recipes, you can easily incorporate oil-free cooking into your heart health routine for maximum benefits.

If you're not ready to change up your cooking techniques just yet, Whole Harvest can help you reduce your oil intake today by providing fresh oil-free meals right to your door.

Want to know more? Check out this article written by Plant-Based Dietitian & Author Julieanna Hever to learn the best ways to cook without oil!

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