Time-Saving Tips for Plant-Based Eating

Save Time Whole Harvest


Are you new to following the plant-based lifestyle? Whether you chose this lifestyle or it chose you, time is the #1 factor that stops people from pursuing or maintaining a plant-based lifestyle.

Here are some tips to help you stick with your plant-based eating plan:



1. Plan

Make a schedule for what you'll eat and when. You're probably aware of the adage that says "the best-laid plans." They might be thwarted in an instant. It's far worse if you don't have a strategy. Have you ever been hangry? Yeah, it's not good and makes you more inclined to pull into the drive-thru on your way home from work instead of sticking with your healthy eating plan.


2. Grocery Shop

Make food shopping a habit. Plan to shop for groceries every few days or on the weekends (whatever works best for you!). Perhaps picking up a few things on your way home from work is easier than one big grocery trip each week, which might be daunting and require more preparation time. Perhaps ordering groceries online is the most effective option for you. Make sure you stock up on pantry staples like beans, rice, and whole grains so that you always have something to fall back on when life gets hectic.


3. Food Prep

Prepare some of your meals in advance to save time when you're busy or short on energy at the end of the day. Consider batch cooking on the weekends or using a slow cooker for weekday meals. You can also cut vegetables and fruits ahead of time so that they are ready to grab and go when you're in a hurry.






4. Make Easy Meals

Making simple food is a wonderful way to save time. The food you consume should not be overly complicated. Grain bowls made with pantry staples are one way to cut down on planning time. Attempting to create complicated plant dishes every night might result in plant-based burnout and a Door Dash order. Keep things basic.


5. Keep Snacks Around

Keep some food on hand for when hunger strikes and threatens to derail your plan. Oil-free hummus, energy bites, raw vegetables, oil-free crackers, apples and nuts are excellent foods to keep nearby.




6. Meal Delivery Services

Find a plant-based meal delivery service like Whole Harvest if you only want everything done for you. They'll do the planning, shopping, prepping, and cooking for you with high-quality, nutritious ingredients that aren't full of salt, oil or gluten.


It may take some time to get used to the plant life. You'll figure out how to be more efficient in the long run. If you don't seem to have enough time to make this lifestyle a reality, search for companies that are passionate about healthy convenience meals.



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